Infinite Human Coaching
Elizabeth Monroy holds a Masters in Mental Health Counseling and is a Certified Infinite Human Life Coach who combines her Intuitive abilities as a Medium, Certified Tarot Coach, Past Life Counselor, Medical Intuit, Yoga Therapy Teacher, Certified Hypnotherapist, Art Therapist, Reiki Master, Certified Crystal Reiki Master, Animal Reiki Practitioner & Communicator, Motivational Speaker, International Author, Film Director, Producer and a Visionary Artist.
Elizabeth has worked with her husband, a physician, laying a higher foundation for a higher form of healing incorporating the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual natures.Together they wrote the book The Pathway Home, a spiritual book describing how Dis- ease is an interruption of the flow of the Divine Infinite in your life. Elizabeth has based her Infinite Human Life Coaching on this foundation. The result is a holistic healing program that addresses all four of the human natures: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and utilizes a broad variety of modalities and aspects of intuitive healing.
Elizabeth uses her intuitive gifts to transmute the dis-ease in your life, release all limitations, and to empower you to trust your own inner guidance, returning you to your original Divine Infinite Human state, then to share your unique gifts and talents and Visions creating a New Infinite Earth!
The Infinite Human Elizabeth offers workshops, classes and one to one coaching sessions both in person and online. Elizabeth is also the Director of School located in Florence, Italy and Infinite Human Productions a production company which produces visionary multimedia that focuses on creating a New Earth. She is the Host of The Infinite Human Talk Show which can be found on YouTube and on this website.